Contact MyLabrador
We are available to clarify any questions you may have and help you choose the right puppy for your lifestyle.
Our puppies are “OURS” in every sense of the word: we do not give puppies away to puppy stores and dealers.
You will never find our puppies (maybe photos because they are often stolen from us) on ad portals (e.g. Subito, Bakeca, Kijiji, etc…).
Our breeding protocol is that OUR puppies are born, open their eyes, begin to walk, are weaned, and socialized ONLY and EXCLUSIVELY within our property, under our eyes, in our hands, and cared for by our Veterinarian with respect for animal welfare.
We NEVER delegate this responsibility to a third party because we want to be sure to deliver you a 100% MyLabrador’s puppy.
Each of our puppies is delivered with a contract of transfer (ex art.1496 cc), registry, genealogical and health documentation.
Allevamento Professionale riconosciuto ENCI-FCI con affisso “MyLabrador’s”
Idoneità al commercio, addestramento, allevamento e custodia di animali da compagnia (L.R. 17 Febbraio 2005 n.5 – Delibera di G.R. n. 736 del 09.05.2005) n. 5327 del 26.03.2012
Autorizzazione Ministero delle Politiche Agricole e Forestali
Autorizzazione ASL (IT022FC037)
Autorizzazione Ufficio Tecnico Comunale
Autorizzazione Camera di Commercio e Artigianato R.E.A. FO337409
Soc. Agricola MyLabrador s.s.
Professional breeding with ENCI affix and ASL authorization
47015 Modigliana (FC) Italy
(We receive by appointment only)